Bolsover Rotary welcomes a new team

Joint-Presidents Geoff Woodhead and David Coupe passed the leadership baton over to John Bowskill for the new Rotary year.

The Rotary year runs from 1st July each year, and on 26 June 2024, Bolsover Rotary held its annual handover meeting, when the outgoing President passes leadership of the club over to another member for the following year.

In 2023/24 we had Joint Presidents for the first time. Geoff Woodhead and David Coupe had been individual Presidents during the difficult COVID years and were unable to fulfil all the social fun aspects of the role because of the restrictions of face-to-face meetings. As a result, they were invited to have another chance in the leadership role during the last 12 months.

In this picture Geoff and David are seen discussing the finer points of their joint year in office.

They went on to pass the leadership of Bolsover Rotary to John Bowskill (pictured centre) for 2024/25.

Although relatively new to Bolsover, John is seen as a very safe pair of hands, having been a member of Sunderland Rotary Club for many years, and President of that club on 2 occasions.

John welcomed Paula Weighill to be President-Elect for 2024/25. Paula will be President in 2025/26 and will be the Club’s fourth female member to take that role.

Margaret Davis, who was President in 2018/19 will continue in her current role as Treasurer. The Secretary, Frank Hawkins, was on holiday, and unable to attend.

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