Members of Bolsover Rotary enjoyed an afternoon in the sun courtesy of the Bolsover Castle Bowling Club.
Bolsover Rotarian honoured
Bolsover Rotarian and Past President, Graham Weighill was awarded one of Rotary’s highest honours by the District Governor.
Bolsover Rotary welcomes a new team
Joint-Presidents Geoff Woodhead and David Coupe passed the leadership baton over to John Bowskill for the new Rotary year.
Do you think you know what Rotary is – try our myth-buster?
Many people don’t fully understand what we do and who we are in Rotary. There are a number of myths about Rotary that we need to debunk. So we thought…Continue reading Do you think you know what Rotary is – try our myth-buster?
New Community Notice board is installed
Bolsover Rotary has purchased and installed a new Community Noticeboard for Bolsover.
The Force was with Canal boat-pull Rotarians
Bolsover Rotarians Graham and Paula Weighill pulled a 70 foot long narrow boat, weighing over 10 tons, on the Chesterfield Canal in aid of Rotary charities.
Happy Birthday to us!
Bolsover Rotary held their 44th Birthday Charter Dinner at the Hostess Restaurant in Sookholm on Wednesday 17 April.
Rotarians pull their weight for charity
Bolsover Rotarians Graham and Paula Weighill will be pulling a 70-foot long, hand-built 10-ton wooden narrowboat along the Chesterfield Canal, in aid of Rotary Charities.
Another Successful Bolsover Rotary fun race night…
Bolsover Rotary held another of their unique Fun Race Nights on 2nd March 2024, and it was a huge success.
a Special Wedding celebration
Bolsover Rotary has just celebrated a very special event – the wedding of two of its members.