Changeover time again

At the start of another new Rotary Year, Bolsover Rotary held its annual Changeover Meeting. Rotarians David Coupe and Geoff Woodhead were welcomed as Joint Presidents for the 2023-24 year.

David and Geoff had been Presidents during the two “Covid-19 years” of 2020-21 and 2021-22. Due to the restrictions during those years, there were few chances for them to fully enjoy the fellowship aspect of being President. In recognition of this, the members offered them the opportunity to share the coming year as Joint Presidents.

Unfortunately President David was unable to be present due to a previous commitment, but his partner, President Geoff represented them both, and introduced their team for 2023-24.

President Graham Weighill started the ceremony by handing over the Chain of Office to President Geoff Woodhead.

More pictures are shown below.

Outgoing President Graham Weighill hands over the Chain of Office to President Geoff Woodhead

Later in the week, Bolsover members joined friends from around the East Midlands at The Hostess Restaurant to welcome the new District Governor Richard Vergette and his 2023/24 team.

(Picture courtesy of The Hostess Restaurant, Sookholme, Mansfield.)

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