Gambia Matters

Pam McConnell MBE spoke to Rotary members and their guests about the small Gambia School Appeal charity which assists schools in the Gambia.

In her presentation, ably assisted by the charity’s work fellow trustee Margaret Day, Pam illustrated how the scope of involvement by the Appeal was fantastic when compared to their size. They are funding and assisting two schools in many projects including repairs to water pumps, provision of garden tools, watering cans, seeds and seedlings for school gardens. The latter enabling the children propagate fruits and vegetables to supplement their school meals and to be encouraged to build a greener environment by creating a tree nursery to supply saplings to local schools.

In support of health initiatives the charity has also provided a a new built 3-pit latrine, funded information sessions for parents during the Ebola threat in 2014 together with hand-washing liquid for the schools. Other health initiatives include provision of mosquito nets for the poorer families and equipment for the preparation of school meals. Other aid included shipments of books, games, stationery and puzzles to help provide more interesting classroom environments.

President Chris Toyne congratulated all those involved in the Gambia School Appeal and commented that here were local people from a local charity actively assisting in raising the standards of people in an emerging African third world country.

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